Who we are.
Our History
In early January of 2012 Joie Pirkey had just returned home from a year in Rwanda Africa and asked seven people to get together and pray about what God was doing and was going to do in the Fox Valley.
Statement of Faith
We believe the Holy Scriptures, as originally given by God, are divinely inspired, infallible, without error in the original manuscripts, entirely trustworthy, and constitute the only supreme authority…
Our Mission
We seek to calibrate in unity to the headship of Jesus Christ as we focus on His direction through His Word and revelation through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The Movement
We believe that the Lord is calling the church to resist ‘doing church’ in the post modern corprate structure that we find being practiced in the Seeker Sensitive models of ministry and to return to a biblical way of allowing Christ to be the head of a Spirit designed Church.
What's new?
04 '20
Love it 0
New Heart of the Valley church returns to roots of Christianity for its foundation Reporter…
08 '16
First Prayer Meeting After the Abortion Clinic Closed At the Prayer Meeting tonight…
08 '16
The Life Of Christ Matters Claudia Blair~ Wellspring at the Cross Intern Black Lives Matter…
04 '16
The Holy Spirit Fell On the Children Tonight something very intense happened. I’m not even…
03 '16
The Revelation of Jesus Christ! This past week I had been praying about the sermon…
07 '15
Wellspring at the Cross is a “Free Range” church. A random man called yesterday to…
05 '15
In the early morning of May 23, 2015 I had a dream from the Lord…
04 '15
Love it 6
A super cool thing happened today as Craig and Dan and I discussed our “Leadership”…