The Call to a Five Fold Leadership The most interesting aspect of our leadership here at Wellspring at the Cross is how it originated, in a context not of a group of believers seeking to start a church but of disciples seeking the headship of Christ. We were an unencumbered gathering, un-agendized, freely and…

July 22, 2012~ “Don’t Go to the Default” In July of 2012, just after our weekly prayer meeting transitioned into a house church, I preached a message entitled “Don’t Go To the Default”. My husband Douglas, who holds the apostolic role in the fivefold leadership at Wellspring at the Cross, is the one who does almost all…

Wellspring at the Cross Keeping Prayer Central Praying for the new couple at their traditional Rwandan wedding; Commissioning Ron Pagel to the ministry of Teacher; Five Fold and worship team along with the leaders of the prayer ministry praying for the Sunday Service: Baptizing in water and praying for the baptism of the Holy Spirit;…

Rwandan Genocide By Craig Doriot On Wednesday, we visited the memorial to learn about the genocide history from the perspective of the Rwandans, which is quite different from the Western and Hollywood spin on it. This country had lived in relative peace for many centuries with a simple monarchy and tribal leadership. When the…

Flush the Defilement The Church Needs Some Flushing I, for many years, have been experiencing something, a check in my spirit, a sense of an adulteration of the Life when the church engages in what are but modal expressions of Christ but not His life, His Spirit. I describe what are a spiritual “method”, things…