Through Shouts of Joy Ministries, Wellspring at the Cross supports the orphans of the Tutsi Genocide 

Rwanda_Mother_with_babyMission Statement for Shouts of Joy Ministries, Inc.~ We seek to assist those traumatized globally by genocide through advocacy, education, supplying basic life needs, and by facilitating the ability to forgive through developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Most of our efforts in this regard are currently focused on the orphans of the Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda, Africa.

MFMotTWe seek to raise awareness and influence public opinion concerning eradicating genocide by unshrouding the horror of personal experiences and putting faces to the statistics. This includes the assistance of the orphaned survivors in writing and publishing their stories here in the U.S and around the world.  “My Father Maker of the Trees”, is our first project and it has been published in the U.S., Spain, Portugal, and in 2013 in Sweden.

Shouts of Joy Ministries / Rwanda was founded by Joie Pirkey in 2005.  Through a series of miraculous events the Lord called her and her husband Douglas, to minister to the Rwandan people.  That call was not only for the Pirkey family but for the entire region of the Fox Valley.  God is doing a strategic work in stitching Rwanda, Africa, with the Fox Valley in eastern Wisconsin.

IMG_1037Since 2005 Shouts of Joy Ministries has assisted in purchasing 35 acres of land in Kigali, the capital city.  On the land now are three buildings and a make shift structure that houses a vibrant and growing church.  A well has been dug and many local villagers are able to get clean water.  Shouts of Joy also pays school fees and supplies for a number of orphans that are also ministered to in their Christian faith.

In 2010 the Pirkey family moved to Kigali Rwanda where the ministry was expanded.  Douglas ministered with the East African Revival Organization and also worked at the Lakeside Fish Farm in developing and selling products.  The Pirkey’s moved back to Wisconsin in 2012 and began Wellspring at the Cross in their home.

Wellspring at the Cross has since adopted Shouts of Joy Ministries as a missions project for the church and assists finically the work with the orphans in Rwanda.

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